April 23
Three future scenarios illustrated the future of drinkwater, displaying all intertwined elements of the system. During a visual session, I collected the elements with the researchers of the KWR and developed the three visualisations which were used as a base for discussion with stakeholders during the GRROW symposium.
"Binnen het onderzoeksproject GRROW (Generational and Radical Rethinking of the Watersector) heeft de jonge generatie drinkwaterprofessionals verschillende toekomstbeelden ontworpen van de drinkwatervoorziening. Tijdens het symposium werden deze toekomstbeelden gedeeld en besproken met een panel uit de praktijk".
See article:
Natuurinclusief Overijssel
Provincie Overijssel
Feb 23
Mansholt Lecture
Sep 22
In this Mansholt lecture, WUR presented its vision and priority actions for different stakeholder groups on the role agriculture and the food system play in navigating the crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. How do we need to transition agricultural production and the food system from where we are now to where we need to go to create a liveable planet in the long term? And how do we ensure that the transition is sustainable, fair and just to everyone, including local and vulnerable communities?
See full article:
NIVA EU project
Sep 22
Developed 9 visualisations for the 9 case studies of the NIVA project in 9 different countries!
The project NIVA starts from the premise that innovative new developments of IACS responding to new digital trends can lead to a more sustainable agricultural production across EU Member States and can assist in a reduction of the administrative burden to actors and stakeholders.
More info:
Maatschappelijke verkenning 2050
Jan 2021
Enpuls asked the question: what does 'living' mean in the future, in very extreme scenarios? During 3 creative visual sessions, we designed 3 future scenario views.
Each scenario had a different central point: the consumer, the society or nature. The result can be seen in 3 very different visualisations which gathered everyone's input.
The visuals were displayed during the Dutch Design Week 2021 in Eindhoven. The audience was able to follow an interactive path and see what their choices along the way would bring them in the future.
Klimap Toekomstscenario’s
Nov 2021
Smart Food Intake
Danone/Unilever/ Philips/Friesland Campina/ WUR
Feb 2022
Boeren Natuur
Factsheet Akkervogels
Nov 2021
Developed a detailed visualisation of a field and all elements which impact the life of field birds. The visual was made for an informative factsheet:
Sep 2021
Logistieke Laadinfrastructuur
Oct 2021
Project Klimap
Dec 20
24 parties work together on the project Klimap (‘Klimaatadaptatie in de Praktijk’), which aims at delivering practical advice on increasing the climate resistance and resilience of the Dutch sandy soil.
The visual aimed at gathering the input of all parties during visual sessions and creating a clear visualisation of Klimap's process.
The whole sequence - with storytelling bits - can be found on
Boeren Natuur
Dream Landscapes
April 2021
Farmers, policy makers and researchers gathered to create the landscape of their dreams, where the profitability of the farms aligns with environmental objectives. Lisa Deijl from BoerenNatuur wrote a great article (here) about how the visualisation process brought new insights to the project in an unexpected way! An amazing compliment!
The visual is part of the European projects Contracts 2.0.
Dec 20
For the project Kennisimpuls Bestuivers, I designed the dream landscape for bees, and the connection between the landscapes network. The project is a partnership between Wageningen University & Research, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten.